Establishing watershed partnerships among public and private entities will be the subject of our program, this Friday March 17 at Eagle Mount with Wendy Weaver 

Through financial incentives, land trades, and more, we work hard to find paths forward that serve the interests of all stakeholders, while upholding the natural health, integrity, function, and abundance of our aquatic habitats. See you at 6:45am and on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 880 5065 2943, Passcode: 154127
Or dial:  1 253 215 8782
BSRC New Member 2nd Reading
Alicia Harvey, Marketing Director for Museum of the Rockies, classification: Museum Marketing, proposed by Ersin Ozer
BSRC Service | Meals on Wheels Sign-Up
Tuesday Sign-Up Link *click here*
March 14 - Robb Miller & Mitch Godfrey
March 21 - Bob Wiersma and Uli Staerk
March 28 - Susan Penner & Leslier McCleary
April 4 - Roger & Lynne Barnes
April 11 - Anne Keith and Stephanie Paugh
BSRC Service | Greeter + Inspiration
Greeter + Inspiration Sign-Up Link *click here*
March 17 - Cary Jack Kendzior
Open after these dates

BSRC Misc. | Attendance + Meeting Make-ups 

If you cannot attend our weekly Friday gathering, learn of the make-up opportunities and our attendance guidelines by visiting this page on our website *click here*
BSRC Misc. | Proposing Candidate for Membership
To Propose a candidate for membership *click here*
For a list of classifications *click here*
BSRC Misc. | Weekly Newsletter Deadline Please send any material you would like included in the weekly newsletter by Friday at 12:00 pm to Mike Banville via the website's internal email messaging or
Put on your Calendar, Book Stickering Party March 22 at Yellowstone Bank. Book Delivery Signup- VISIT HERE
March 18 Rotaract Service - Run to the Pub - 9:30am
Join us at the finish line to keep the finish lane clean for incoming race participants while handing out race medals, food, and water. Details HERE
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED for the 2023-24 school year

  Ever thought of hosting an incoming student for part of a school year? Rotary Youth Exchange allows our local families to house and enjoy the culture of a young man or woman (ages 16-18) for a 3-month stint (either mid August-November, December -mid March, or mid-March to late June).

Our student would be attending Bozeman High school. Whether you are in BHS or GHS jurisdiction does not matter.

Host families do not have to be Rotary Members. If you know someone in your family, friends, or community group, please do not hesitate to talk to them and send them my way!

For more questions/answers, please get in touch with me:

Fix-Up Festival Applications Weekly Update - 24 submitted so far through March 13th.
Club Information
Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club
Bozeman Sunrise
Is it Fun?
Fridays at 6:45 AM
Eagle Mount
6901 Goldenstein Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States of America
6:45am each Friday, also via Zoom
District Site Icon
District Site
Venue Map
Venue Map
Bulletin Editor
Michael Banville
Site Pages
Christmas and Holiday Party and Auction
Aug 04, 2023 6:45 AM
Bridger View Neighborhood
Aug 11, 2023 6:45 AM
Women in the Military from High Heels to Combat Boots
Aug 18, 2023 6:45 AM
Update on youth mental health from a local Middle School counselor
Aug 25, 2023 6:45 AM
Open Routes Counseling
View entire list
Upcoming Events
GLRP Committee Meeting
Aug 02, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Vo Ed Monthly Meeting - 12 Noon
Aug 07, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Meals on Wheels Delivery
Bozeman Senior Center
Aug 08, 2023
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Foundation Committee Meeting
Nancy MacBride's Home
Aug 15, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Meals on Wheels Delivery
Bozeman Senior Center
Aug 15, 2023
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
View entire list
Birthdays, Wedding & Club Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Lauren Peck
August 2
Craig Gilbert
August 3
Travis Tuss
August 3
Lindsay Metcalf
August 5
David Thornquist
August 13
Bill Henning
August 15
Susan Penner
August 15
Josh Waldo
August 18
Steve Daines
August 20
Ersin Ozer
August 24
I Ho Pomeroy
August 24
Stephanie Paugh
August 24
Roger Barnes
August 29
Kurt Buchl
August 30
Uli Staerk
August 31
Keith Nathan
Markie Nathan
August 4
Cathy Fisher
Stan Fisher
August 6
Roger Barnes
Lynne Barnes
August 8
Danielle Scharf
Ryan Scharf
August 9
Katie Madison
David Madison
August 9
Bill MacBride
Nancy MacBride
August 12
Nancy MacBride
Bill MacBride
August 12
Bob Farrington
Judi Farringtron
August 15
Shannon Jones
Reed Jones
August 16
Bill Frye
August 19
John Shurson
August 19
Gene Kuntz
Laura Kuntz
August 22
John Mills
Susan Mills
August 27
Mason Shaffer
August 30
Join Date
Bob Wiersma
August 1, 2006
17 years
Lucas Foust
August 4, 2009
14 years
Michael Dougherty
August 4, 2000
23 years
Karl Cook
August 9, 2019
4 years
Shannon Jones
August 12, 2004
19 years
Craig Gilbert
August 17, 2010
13 years
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