Bozeman Sunrise Rotary is proud to spotlight exemplary seniors at Bozeman High School with a Rotary Student of the Month award.
These Rotary Students of the Month exemplify leadership, civic duty, volunteerism, and academic success. These are seniors who are going places and dreaming big. These students have dedicated their time through volunteering to making BHS, Bozeman, and/or our state a better place.
Each senior awarded with a Rotary Student of the Month honor will receive recognition from the Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club and have their honor displayed at BHS.  All recipients are eligible to apply for one Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Scholarship ($2,000) awarded at the end of the year.
Each senior was nominated by a staff member and selected by a committee consisting of the BHS Interact Advisor and Sunrise Rotary Youth Services committee members.    


Bozeman Sunrise Rotary Club is proud to spotlight these young adults as leaders within their school and the broader Bozeman community.


To read the student bios, use the navigation tool to the left.