Kieran is the Student-Body President at Bozeman High. He is active in cross country, track, BHS Interact and the Chamber and Jazz choirs. In addition, he has been part of the drumline in the marching band and participated in Bozeman Night Live! as a performer.


Kieran is most proud of being a team captain for the cross country team. He has been running cross country for 8 years, and it has grown to be an overwhelming passion of his because a freshman can come into the sport, having never run before, and grow and develop over the course of just a few months into a formidable runner. To get to not only watch, but lead the younger members of the team in their discovery of a new passion, hobby, interest, or whatever running becomes in their lives, is extraordinarily special to Kieran. As a mentor to all runners, Kieran is happy to see the development in each and every athlete on the team; and know that somehow, be it as their captain, friend, team mate, or leader, he helped them get there.


Kieran likes the critical thinking and analysis of the study of history, politics, and the humanities. His two favorite classes at BHS have been AP World History Combo, and AP US History Combo. He carries an unweighted 4.0 GPA.

Kieran feels a  strong sense of responsibility for the well-being of his peers and his community. He states, “ It has guided my pursuing leadership and service roles, and also my personal goals for my career and life. Be it as student-body President, a volunteer for a reproductive health clinic, a friendly face at an espresso bar, a varsity athlete, or just as a friend to those I know, it is always my goal to leave people in a better mood than when I found them. I feel this overarching goal and drive help make me be the kind of person I am.”

Kieran plans to attend  a 4-year college, and later graduate school. Though currently undecided, he is looking for a well-rounded, academically rigorous college with a strong running community and many opportunities for leadership, service, and personal development.