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The Resource and Fundraising committee is tasked with analyzing the long-term and sustainable needs of the club from both a manpower and fundraising aspect, ensuring that a uniform and consistent process of procuring funds from supporting businesses is efficient and effective. We achieve these goals by utilizing:
  • One primary contact with each supporting organization who is matched up with a Sunrise Rotarian for follow-up
  • Creating a consistent message of our club's goals and needs in the community
  • An explanation of our members' strengths and unique position to achieve these goals
  • Demonstrations to our sponsors how their support helps achieve our common mission
Before any Sunrise member begins a dialog with an entity that wishes to support Sunrise Rotary, inquire with Keith Nathan whether you, or another person, can initiate a dialog to solicit support from that entity. Keith is at 0r 406 551 3921
Resource Committee Chair - Laura Kuntz