Advocating to help prisoners and drug users reenter into society.
Aug 25, 2017
Carolyn Casey - Connections
Advocating to help prisoners and drug users reenter into society.

Carolyn Casey was a drug user for over 30 years; had one baby born addicted to meth and raised four children in the drug lifestyle. She was sentenced to 28 years for selling $120.00 worth of weed and hash and sent to Montana Women’s Prison in 1994. Upon her release Casey started a non-profit organization called Connections, based in Bozeman.

Connections advocates statewide for newly released prisoners to assist them with writing parole plans, finding housing, jobs, clothes, furniture and anything else they may need to be successful with reentering into the community. Another population she works with is active drug users.

Casey received the “Peacemaker Award” from the Community Mediation Center in April of 2006 and the Governors Recognition Award for World AIDS Day in 2007.
